Friday, August 18, 2017

zabrak tattoos

All spoilers regarding the Prequel Trilogy, the Original Trilogy, and The Clone Wars are unmarked. Examples relating to Disney's EU and the new movies can be spoiler-tagged if deemed necessary.Trop...

Kal-Reth Leven Player: Fred L. Race: Human Class: Jedi Description: He is a mere boy to most, but before you stands a young man dressed in white and earthen colored short robes. He bares royal...

Star Wars has captured the imaginations of generations. A classic example of the space opera genre, many of us have grown up pretending we could be Han Solo piloting the Millenium Falcon, or...

"Facial art — how wilderness of you!" — Q to Chakotay, Star Trek: Voyager Gods, demons, high priestesses and almost any other variety of being more powerful than the usual schmoe in the...

Share. The Zabrak are known for their unique look. By Chao Swiftbow The Zabrak are known for their unique look. Humanoid in basic look they are characterized by their vestigial horns and elaborate...

I pitied Darth Maul in this story, especially in the last box. He just wants what we all want: someone to love us. Tales #24, Marked, was an awesome little late. As a matter of fact, I think...

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